namespace Fresh;
* A cute little trait to allow for public-read-only properties on a class
* Declare:
* ```php
* use Fresh\Readonly;
* protected $property; // Publicly, do `$theClass->property` to retrieve... though the public cannot set it.
* private $r_property; // This instructs the trait.
* ```
* @export(Contribute.readonly)
trait Readonly {
public function readonly_getProperty($prop){
if (!property_exists($this,$prop)){
//pretty close to the standard error if a protected property is accessed from a public scope
throw new \Error("Undefined property: ".get_class($this)."'::$prop");
// trigger_error('Undefined property: '.get_class($this).'::\$'.$prop,E_USER_NOTICE);
$allow_read = property_exists($this, 'r_'.$prop );
if ($allow_read){
$actual = $this->$prop;
return $actual;
throw new \Error("Cannot access non-public property '{$prop}' of class '".get_class($this)."'");
public function __get($prop){
return $this->readonly_getProperty($prop);